Friday, June 27, 2003

i wish i could make it for this year's baybeats. it's depressing me no end that i can't go.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

everytime i check up a word in the dictionary i either find another word i don't know soon afterwards or see another one i don't know in the explanation of the original word i was looking up or another word i don't know in the same page. and then i keep looking up more and more words and start panicking cos i know so little and eventually i give up cos i can never remember all of the words i look up in this hopeless cycle. and then i start to get depressed cos i don't understand so much of what's around me. what a crock.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

the rain has come lately. and it stings.

and what better to do while it pours then to rock out to some "Pinkerton". it never goes stale. but amidst my rockin' out i get a call up from w. to accompany him to acquire some technology. and of course i went. what's a little goddamn pelting rain when i get to scope out some new technology, and also i was sick of staying at home doing basically nothing. i showered, put on some 'construction site wear' and headed out.

at the place i came upon one of the top 5 ugliest hairstyles i have ever seen. but as i've only got two hairstyles i can remember as being really incredifuckingbly bad, this one is no. 2 on the charts. i couldn't take my eyes offa her. then later me and w. realised that she had matched her ensemble with her hair. baby she was the shit. i didn't mention it at the time, but she reminded me of chan ee mein.

and then we wandered to an enclosed area and had to scan our ICs. but seeing that only i had possession of my IC(the real thing not the other shite. you know what i mean.), i was the only one who scanned it and w. had to fill up his particulars in the foreigners' folder. then i stumbled upon the coolest card scanner this SARS weary country has to offer. when i placed my card under the red beam, the sound emitted from it was a futuristic "tziu!" you know what i mean boys, it's the sound we made when we were little kids (and even now) when we wanted to aurally signify how fast something was moving or how totally realistic our laser blasters were. as an added perk, i got to scan my card again when we got out of the area. what a blast!

i so felt like going back in the area again just to scan my card.

anyways, now complications have cropped up and w. may have to go back to the place. maybe i'll go back with him just to scan my card again.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

this is a flyer i made for ted last night. for some tuition agency work.

grade shown in picture not representative of actual results

and here's the alternate version of it. y'know, just in case.

"quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

this morning was the second morning in a row that i was awakened by a storm.

it was particularly vicious this morning. i remember being broken out of the hold of sleep by a crack of thunder so loud it resonated, ringing in the air, together with a few car alarms set off by the lightning. a cacophonic morning chorus of the natural and the artificial. i snapped my eyes open, in the same moment confused by the sound and realising what the sound was. i turned to face my windows and flashes of lightning illuminated my room. i felt a kind of drowsy unconsidered fear, that i might be struck by the lightning, because the thunder was so loud that i thought it was the sound of something being struck, of a building falling.

the day before i was awakened by the sound of my door slamming, sucked shut by the wind forcing its way through my windows. like this morning, i spent a few seconds in that slightly dazed stupor of a just woken person wondering what was happening. then i shut my blurry eyes and went back to sleep.

that was what i tried to do this morning, i tried to turn away and go back to sleep. but this time the storm was more urgent and the thunder more pressing. so i didn't.

because i couldn't.

Friday, June 13, 2003

so this is it.

happy birthday rivers.

Monday, June 9, 2003

i didn't draw any comic these couple of days cos i've been engrossed in the game Jedi Outcast. i'm not normally that much of a gamer but nothing beats being able to wield a lightsaber. it's a lightsaber c'mon! but for those who know the address, i put up something new at my photosite yesterday.

lightsabers kick ass.

anyway for those who can be bothered, Mr T was on channel i just now in Rocky III. know how in every Rocky film there's one boxer that Sylvester Stallone must beat? like how in every few weeks channel 5 must show Die Hard, Con-Air, or any of those movies? yeah, Mr T was that boxer in this one. "Dontchoo turn yo' back on me sucka!".

Mr T kicks ass.

If Mr T had a lightsaber he'd be the head boot knocka anywhere. yo.

Friday, June 6, 2003

Thursday, June 5, 2003

cheeks like a hamster's.

left and right respectively,

hold dinner and lunch

i made it through the night. and the bleeding has lessened considerably. but my cheeks have also puffed up considerably. thank god the bleeding has lessened and i hope it doesn't increase. i am so sick of having the taste and smell of blood in my mouth. it felt really good this morning when i brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash, though i was dreading brushing my teeth, afraid of what unknown pain it might bring. but it's hardly 15 minutes later and im starting to taste the sickly trickle of blood in my mouth again. oh well.

i guess in a condensed version of the female crimson tide, yesterday was the heavy flow and the most blood was lost and it felt like shit. today would be the easing off of the bloodflow and i am feeling much better than yesterday cos: 1) there is less blood and 2) i'm kinda getting used to it. and i know that when it all ends i am going to have the strongest craving arising out of the whole ordeal, for lots of hard wood...oops i meant solid food.

of course that example could possibly and probably not hold true cos i have a premonition of another heavy flow period(harhar so punny) anytime from now, cos my hope is thin and my luck is seldom good.

i gave all my wisdom teeth, which were packaged neatly in a tiny ziploc bag and handed to me immediately after the op(i'm guessing to shock me into silence, though my whole mouth was so numb and i wouldn't have been able to form words anyway), a good brush and wash after i brushed my teeth today. i even swirled them around in some oral-b "to reduce plaque build-up" and so that the "refreshing mint flavour" will keep them "feeling fresh and clean". i'm caring too much for teeth not in my mouth. think it's time to rethink my priorities.

well, they're now sitting in a cup drying out. and i'm wondering what to do with them. these possibilities came to my mind: 1) leave them for the tooth fairy, 2) wear them on a necklace or 3) for those who know, give them to lee song seng. i still haven't decided and would probably just keep them in a box, though gene's suggestion of drawing a smiley face on the biggest tooth and keeping it next to my toothbrush as a reminder of my pain is a pretty cute idea.

any suggestions?

i am bleeding to death.

now the stitches in my mouth are the only thing that is causing me a whole lotta hurt. i'm just glad i didn't have to pay cos it's covered by the SAF, and that i took out all 4 at once. cos i never want to go through this again.

...never again.

Wednesday, June 4, 2003

Sunday, June 1, 2003